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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Autumn is Getting Baptized!

Feb 2 had been a slow week. But Autumn, a 17 year old investigator scheduled her baptism. Nick is very excited about this because he taught her the entire series of discussions and she asked him to baptize her. Autumn is way cool, but her parents aren't too happy about her decision. She will need their permission (more about that later) since she's 17, but she is doing it...February 27!

Nick says President Yardley is getting way stricter. He leaves in July so he's trying to clean up the mission. Not that it's bad, he just wants it to be the best ever for the new guy. President Yardley said if he could keep his top 20 missionaries, then the next best 50, that those 70 could do more work than the 200 are currently doing. I'm not sure how that works, but I did ask Nick where he fit in. He said he hopes he fits in to the top 20, and he thinks he might actually be there. (hmmm...Nick so confident?)

He was in Twin Falls for P-Day and ate at Cafe Rio (and said it was amazing)! But that's because there's only one place to eat in Buhl...Papa Kelsey's. And even though it is the best, he can eat there every day. Even when he's at home!

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