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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Free Food and a Food Fight!

Transfer calls came in, and Nick was not surprised to learn he'd be staying in Buhl. He says they had seen more success during the few months he was there, than during the previous two years. He would however get a new companion, and a new missionary to train, Elder Tukuafu, straight from Tonga! He was excited that he got to spend the night at the Spjutes while in Boise to pick up his new companion. He also got to visit with some of his favorite people in Boise. Nick was probably learning just as much from training. He not only taught him how to be a missionary, but also how to be an American! Not only was the language barrier hard, but Elder Tukuafu eats completely different food, so grocery shopping was hard, and Nick taught him to cook American also. He often asked the meaning of English words, and Nick was tempted to tell him fake meanings of words, but he thought Elder Tukuafu was awesome and he loved him, so he didn't. Nick said it was hard. Very hard. It would be a tough six weeks, but a good six weeks. They would work hard and get lot's of stuff done.

So here's the update: Autumn's brother and sister want to get baptized also. Jay is getting baptized. The Harvey's, a very sweet family, are going through the temple soon to be sealed. They ran into Elaine at D.I., an investigator who had been dodging them for a month, and she set up an appointment. They got three new referrals this week, and two of them said "Oh, come and teach me because I want to get baptized!"

They started teaching Jeremy again after he got out of jail (for arguing with a cop). But they'll have to teach the lesson again because he was COMPLETELY WASTED! They wanted to leave, but he kept demanding they stay. However when Jeremy started throwing up everywhere, they left! Nick said he'd never seen anyone like that before, and that it was weird, awkward, and gross!

Also, they went to Autumn's birthday dinner and party with her family and some friends. At the end, Autumn's friend stuffed cake in her mouth and it turned into a food fight. Of course Nick had to participate, so he chucked some cake at some poeple on his way out the door. He had to get outta there because he was wearing a suit and had to look fresh.

The Twin Falls area elders played football with the Burley area elders and Nick's team won! Afterwards they went to eat sushi and they greatest thing ever happened...some guy dropped tons of money on them and paid their $300 bill! Nick loves getting free food.

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